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Adrian Gonzalez From The Padres To The Red Sox For Casey Kelly Plus Others

Could I be more excited? Doubtful. Seriously, I could try, but I don’t see it happening. It’s so far, as of the writing of this column, unconfirmed, but when Buster Olney says that it’s a done deal we can pretty much assume that it is. Adrian Gonzalez will be manning the corner in the new, revamped Boston Red Sox infield, moving All-Star Kevin Youkilis to 3rd and allowing Boston to set Adrian Beltre free.

Gonzalez’s bat is huge for an offense that has had a drop-off since the departure of Jason Bay. This is a move that had to be made, especially after Theo Epstein let Victor Martinez go without a fight. He basically held the door open for him and walked him to his car. As I stated in an earlier column, we all had to know that Adrian Gonzalez was a good as wearing the two sox patch when we saw how easily Martinez waltzed out of the Fens.

So am I excited? You bet I am. But, in my extreme excitement I neglected to realize that in order for the Red Sox to bolster their offense with such a powerful bat, we would have to give up something equally as valuable. This is when I began going over the prospects that I would want in exchange if I were San Diego. And alas, the trade began to take a bittersweet turn for me.

Star prospect pitcher Casey Kelly, first baseman Anthony Rizzo and outfielder Reymond Fuentes are all headed to the Padres. Plus, rumor has it, a player to be named later as well. This is a lot to give up for sure, so Gonzalez better do for us what Mark Teixeira has done for the Yankees after he left the Red Sox flailing in the wind by turning his back on the Nation and signing with the Empire.

I am extremely happy to get Gonzalez so please do not get me wrong, but Casey Kelly? Did we have to include him in the deal? I have been watching this guy for the past several years. He is going to be the next Jon Lester. He’s got the stuff.

This deal is bringing me, kicking and screaming, back to the Hanley Ramirez deal. Hanley Ramirez folks, you may also know him as the best short stop in all of Major League Baseball. He was in the Red Sox farm system until we traded him away. And what position has been giving Boston a headache ever since that trade? Yep, you guessed it, SS.

The only positive I can take away from that trade is that when we moved Hanley we received Josh Beckett, Mike Lowell and a World Series Championship. As long as Adrian Gonzalez brings us a pennant and a ring then I will never again second-guess Theo and will wish Casey Kelly a great career.

Yeah, that is not entirely true. I will always second-guess every manager because that is just who I am. Be honest with yourselves; it’s who we all are.

So the question that begs to be asked is which is more valuable, a proven bat that will bring 30+ homers and 100+ RBIs a year or an up and coming pitcher that has the potential to win 18+ games a season and shut down opponents?

The answer is an obvious one and Theo made the correct choice. Adrian Gonzalez will thrive in Fenway Park. He will be an immediately invaluable impact player and provide the offense that will bolster our pitching staff (see my previous column to make sense of that comment). Nice work Sox. Spring Training can’t come soon enough.

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