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St. Louis Cardinals: By The Numbers

After a week or so of below-average baseball, the Cardinals still find themselves in second place in the NL Central.

Throughout that week or so, Cardinals fans complained on-and-on about how bad the Cardinals were playing.
Hello, they're only a game out of first place. As much as other bloggers like to think otherwise, St. Louis is still a good team. Sometimes, other writers, fans, etc. can't understand that unless they bring home a World Series.
Okay, so they're not the best team in Major League Baseball, but look at the numbers; they're certainly not the worst.
According to Fangraphs, the Redbirds strike out 18 percent of the time at the plate. Sounds like a lot, right? Compare that to the Cubs, 22.6 percent, and the Brewers, 24.4 percent.
Now, not all of the Cardinals' statistics are above average, but for the most part, their amongst the top half of the league.
One of the most criticized aspects of the Cardinals has been the pitching. Once again, it's not as bad as you think.
For instance, the Redbirds' pitching has given up just 0.82 homers a game, which ranks fourth in Major League Baseball. They also hold the second lowest WHIP in all of baseball.
You're probably wondering why I'm pointing this out. Well, next time you want to complain about how bad the Cardinals look, check the stats before you do so.


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